Donald Trump: Cabinet Members

Name: Jeff Sessions Position: Attorney General What Does the Attorney General Do? Head of the United States Department of Justice. The DOJ is responsible for enforcing the law on a federal scale.The DOJ (Department of Justice) has over 110,000 employees and a budget of over 27 billion dollars. This is no small task and not … More Donald Trump: Cabinet Members

China’s Great Leap Backwards? According to James Fallow of The Atlantic, China is currently undergoing an oft overlooked but harrowingly true trend; China is undergoing a rapid shift backwards in multiple areas, including political tolerance, religious tolerance, and freedom of speech. It highlights just how different Chinese society is, even if everyday citizens cite a growing economy and … More China’s Great Leap Backwards?

Steve Jobs: iPhone Presentation (2007)

` 1. iPod, Phone, Internet: Overview (3:20) “These are not three separate devices. This is one device. And we are calling it, iPhone. Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone.” 2. Existing Technology: Why it’s lacking and why the iPhone revolutionizes these problems. A. Smartphone: Philosophy (4:30) “Phones are kind of right there. They’re … More Steve Jobs: iPhone Presentation (2007)

Reading Method: Index Cards?

( I’ve always been impressed with how Ryan incorporates quotes and stories into his writing. In “The Obstacle is the Way”, each chapter or main point is reinforced with at least one to two examples from history. The method outlined by Zapier is straightforward enough: Each chapter, highlight one central idea on the front and … More Reading Method: Index Cards?

Value-Based Medicine?

Fee-for-Service: What’s the Problem? At the moment, we have the fee-for-service model at the basis of all our health care in this country. At the onset, this seemed to make sense; it would incentive physicians to cover all possible areas of concern by encouraging them to order as many medical tests and procedures as they … More Value-Based Medicine?

Euthanasia, Physician-Assisted Suicide, and DNR Orders

Overview On this grim topic, there are three major subtopics that we have to keep straight: Euthanasia: Direct killing. The physician takes an active role in killing the patient. This can involve intravenous injection of lethal chemicals. Think of “euthanizing” a pet during his or her last years; the veterinarian, in this case, takes an active … More Euthanasia, Physician-Assisted Suicide, and DNR Orders

Affordable Care Act: Analysis

( ( Overall Goal: Improve access for all Americans Subgoals: Decrease number of uninsured through mandates Expand Medicaid coverage across all states Subsidize premiums in the exchanges to make insurance more affordable Some good things: Reduced Number of Uninsured: The ACA has been successful in significantly decreasing the number of uninsured people across the country. This … More Affordable Care Act: Analysis